Destaques LF&A
Webinar dedicado à tributação internacional
A convite da Bichara Advogados, o nosso sócio Guilherme P. de Figueiredo, LL.M teve ontem o prazer de participar, enquanto palestrante, num webinar dedicado à tributação aplicável a pessoas físicas residentes no Brasil, em Itália, em Portugal e no Uruguai.
Um agradecimento especial à Priscila Carmona Maya, à Renata Roque Wizenberg e ao Murillo Estevam Allevato Neto pelo convite e os nossos parabéns pelo fantástico evento!
Portugal’s new tax rules on crypto assets
Portugal’s new tax rules on crypto assets entered into force on January 1st, 2023. The following rules currently apply to individuals who are resident for tax purposes in Portugal.
The Portuguese Patent Box regime
The Portuguese patent box regime (“PPBR”) was introduced in 2014 and was amended in 2016 to incorporate the “Modified Nexus Approach” in the context of intangible property regimes in line with BEPS Action 5.